Women circle closure
During the last trimester the group received a series of training sessions on Christmas pastries and savory Christmas plates with the chef Erenia Blandón. Besides that the group of women received workshops on biodance, they built an informational banner for the 25th November parade with the artist Mario Torero and received a session of sound health therapy with our volunteer Vesna.
All the women actively participated this year in more than 20 workshops and technical trainings. In December we had the encounter and closure of the Women Circle, with the participation of 25 women. We thank Gracia restaurant for their support!
Some entrepreneur women participated in the DONORSEE platform to raise funds for their professional projects. Thanks to Stefka and Arianne Lippens and Pilar Cardozo for their volunteer support.
Christmas campaign
The end of 2021 comes with gatherings and celebrations where Christmas presents for girls and boys can´t be left out to trigger the ocean of smiles that they provide us. We once again achieved to gather more than 1050 presents thanks to the generosity and commitment of hundreds of donors and businesses. We also thank the persons that helped deliver food packages to 80 families in vulnerable situation.
We send a special thanks to Alexandra Zepeda-Hill, Laetitia Deweer and Priscila Arias for coordinating the campaign and to the volunteers that supported in many ways: Diane Sagrillo, Dariush & Jessica Agahi, Rachel White, Traylor Portman, Tammy Bedey , Nila Leiserowitz , Linnea and John Hauser, Allyson Rappaport , Jessica Williams, Jessica Agahi, Dariush Agahi, Ileana D’Lacoste, Marcela Rosen, Melisa Garcia, Sibley Zepeda, Amy Jacobs, Alexa, James y Ernest Toman, Matt, Rain y Noah Goldberg, Sophia, Lily and Liam Dymbort, Pilar & Natasha Avrith, Ivonne Valderrama, Esperanza landero.
We thank the participating businesses: Pots & Bowls, Beach Community Church, Gracia, Cria Academy, La Boca, Bamboo Sushi Club, Patagonia Del Mar, Pacific Sol Learning, Hemingway’s, Little Tropics, Page Turner , Patagonia Grill, Nimbu Spa, las Catalinas, Casa Chameleon, Copper and Stone, Pura Vida Ride, Pangas, Sharkys, Tamarindo Bay Hotel, Langosta Surf Club, Tide Academy, Educarte, Outside the Box, Journey, Pura Vida French Touch, Tranquila Vet, Cafeteria, The Palms, Marie’s, Surfbox, La Paz, Cavallini Vet Hospital, Carpe Diem, Alo Nico, Farmacia Flamingo, Farmacia Beach Side Clinic, El Huerto, Palm Beach Estates, Café Mar Azul, Playa Grande Surf Camp, Soli Surf
The happiness of the girls and boys fills our hearts! #somoscepiacr
Campaign for the elimination of violence against women
At commemorating and higlighting the date of November 25th, Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a current and critical issue in Costa Rica, we want to show the current events that have happened and been unnoticed by the national press in Tamarindo and Limón. The lack of response to this situation has naturalized in our society and is thought provoking and requires to denounce the need for support and the diffusion of a clear message: No more violence against women!
As a community we need to react from different sectors: tourism, institutions, NGO´s, artists, businesses, associations, sports, and groups of neighbors. CEPIA continues to work in the call for awareness and reflection regarding this problem.
Last November 25th, there was an encounter in the Parque Oneida Tamarindo public space, a meeting convoked with ADIT that gathered young persons, resident adults, and visitors. A video was portrayed with interviews to young people, there was a cultural performance, a march of a group of more than 60 personas, asking for more security in the streets and beaches of our country. This claim came accompanied by a series of advice and reflections published in social media and distributed in flyers.
This activity counted with the support of volunteers Maria José Abugattas, Irene Gómez, Sebastián González, Roy Fonseca, Carla Rowlings, and specially of the whole CEPIA team, committed with this cause. We also thank Mario Torero for collaborating with the group of young people and it´s coordinator Karla Marina. #playasegura #tamarindo
Community Mural by Mario Torero
During 2021´s last trimester, CEPIA´S community center was enriched with a mural that narrates all of CEPIA´s spirit, passion, symbolism and energy and of those who make part of it and are part of the association.
Mario Torero, alongside with his wife Sara, were able to collectively reflect and build the mural´s design. It was nice to experience this artistic process together with the community, challenged to paint and work in this expressive work that comes to decorate our neighborhood in Huacas. We thank the volunteers that during two weeks worked painting and detailing the mural: Karen Sheppard, Stuart Sheldon, Ben Deweer, Nicolas Huet, Fransiscio Salas, Alexa y ernest Toman, Natasha Avrith, Ever, Krystal Gutierrez, Ariana, Kali y Zoe Vidal, Arianna Viquez, Karla Marin, Diana Fuentes, Olman Ovares, Alejandra Parody, Debi y Grace Hoffman, Traci Fowler, Sophie Videau, Jim y Bobbi Oenick, Patricia, Kali Engel, Taylor Shetler, Yuli Henzion, Youth Groups, CIDAI children, and many more people…sorry we didn´t write down all the names!
Special thanks to EQUIPO SALAS and GONZA construction company for their technical support!
Mario Torero is an artist and activist, mostly known during the last 45 years for extensive mural work with social awareness produced in several cities in the United States and around the world. With a large history of participation in the local and global arts as well as progressive movements, Mario has come to be seen as a figure with deep roots in the cultural artistic community of San Diego. Recently Mario moved to Brasilito and is now part of our community! We hope there will be many artistic projects the future! https://mariotorero.art/about/
Redesign of San Jose de Pinilla’s community hall
During more than 8 months Gabriela Valenzuela, designer, worked hardly with The Fixers, a BCII TV show, CEPIA´s architects Magda Urban and Laetitia Deweer, and the community leader Aleandra Gómez and the other members of the development association and the Asada of San José de Pinilla.
Later, the engineer Marco Sequeira, the designer Barba Cuevas, Priscila, Maida, Leonor from ADI Pinilla, Karen and Eduardo from ADI Tamarindo, Violeta Granceli from Costa Rica Filming Locations, and many women and community members from San José de Pinilla´s community joined. Thanks to Lidieth for feeding The Fixers and volunteers with so much love, to Don Justo for transforming his living room in the project´s warehouse, to Juan and Dayvi for transforming the late rural police in the coolest office of Pinilla, to the children and youngsters of San José de Pinilla, to the soccer team, the Carranza´s, the mothers, the artisans, entrepreneurs, to all the volunteers! Thanks to Luciano Buso for donating the electric design and to Cristiano de Veroli for all the videos! Thanks to don Jorge, doña Dixabeth, our town mayors that are always available and don Mauricio for being the perfect city hall´s communicator. Thanks to Camille Bourlette, that started the organic community garden, and her hard work was the project´s seed. We had financial support from Gig Kaplan and Rhythmia life advancement center.
BCII TV has 1,141 million followers on Instagram, 111 million spectators in the USA, 6 million in Latin America and together with the international syndication 25 million in the world. The FIXERS arrived in Costa Rica on December the 13th and started filming 10 hours per day starting on December 14th until the 20th, when we filmed the project´s disclosure to the community. This project is not only a project to improve the community´s infrastructure but also an opportunity to raise the entrepreneur spirit and hope. Creating business and educational projects gives support to youngsters, the future generation. San José de Pinilla will become the cultural jewel of our coastal zone. The community hall now counts with a bistro where you can have a juice and take a snack to the soccer field, an equipped kitchen, a shop with artisan products, an oven for cooking “tortillas” and coexisting space.
If we don´t invest rapidly, that singular Costa Rica´s aspect of being spiritually aligned, green, unbiased, humble, and good, will disappear. A town can easily convert itself in a center of poverty, unemployment, exploitation, violence, drugs, and prostitution.
Now what has to be done is create conscience in our community of drivers, that will have to respect a 20 Km/h speed limit when they drive through San José de Pinilla, so that this little town doesn’t get buried in dust 24 hours. Let´s make it prevail!
Project “Vida Mujer” (Woman Life)
Project “Vida Mujer” keeps helping Guanacaste women to receive an anticonception method. In the last part of 2021 we had 3 clinics, in Huacas and Liberia. Through these clinics we provided IUD´s to 70 women, protecting them from unwanted pregnancies for 5 years or more.
We want to thank the doctors that donated their time to the project during this last trimester: Dr. Roulan Jiménez Chavarría (who is also candidate to Costa Rica´s presidency), Dra. Karen Alvarez, Dr. Walbin Sánchez, Dra. Jennifer Jiménez, Dr. Luis Villegas and our volunteer nurses Karen Ortiz and Ariana Visquez. We would also like to thank Beach Side Clinic and Metropolitan Hospital for donating their space.
The program´s coordinator, Geneva García Ellen, that devoted considerable time in accelerating the registry and gathering data. Thanks to our donors: The Bookstore of the Waves, Gilded Iguana, Las Catalina and Martyn and Debi Hoffmann, thanks to them we could buy our own medical devices to ensure we can always count with the equipment.
The program will continue growing in 2022 and we thank the fact of having accumulative experience with qualified volunteers. A special thanks to our volunteers that spent many hours calling women to confirm appointments and give follow-up after their appointments: Isabel Claire, Pilar Cardozo, Grettle Chacón Hernández. Thanks also to the volunteers that helped in the clinics: Natasha Avrith, Naomi Rappaport, Diane Blanco and Kiela Dawn.
The Daytime Children´s Center CIDAI continues with its work!
CIDAI program benefits 112 minors, protecting their rights and creating abilities for life for each one of the. The children received educational support, socioemotional and psychological support, music, and swimming classes.
All of them had a free dental check in the Clinica Sonrisas project, donated by Dr. Marcela Porras Zamora. The children and youngsters received sound therapy with the volunteer Vesna Todorovic.
Thanks to the grant provided by PANI in December, the minors could enjoy different recreational trips. 40 of them, with ages from 2 to 5 enjoyed the trip to “Poderosa” in Liberia, where they got to know different animal species and recreational spaces. Also, 72 children and youngsters traveled to the amusement park in San José. For most of them, it was their first trip from Guanacaste to San José. They said they felt thrilled.
CEPIA´s social worker, Priscilla, identified children in vulnerable condition to admit them in the CIDAI program. To identify their condition, she made house visits and socioeconomic studies.
Strengthening of families in poverty and extreme poverty
With the support of volunteer social workers Alba Mensat and Ana Arteaga, 50 house visits were made, with the objective of detecting their needs and selecting those who needed mattresses, food baskets, furniture, among other things. Also, they detected families in need of psychological support or other needs (tutoring classes, references for public institutions).
The data base was organized for the delivery of Christmas presents for more than 1000 children with ages between 1 and 15 through telephone calls to all the families. Individual and follow-up interventions were performed for children with social difficulties through individual sessions.
Children with special needs: A bet for integration
During the months of October, November and December we had a monthly art session, two music sessions and one beach and pool day. Thanks to our music professor, Rodrigo Fonseca, and our art professor, Alejandra Parody, for helping children express through the arts. Thanks to Cala Luna Hotel, Hacienda Pinilla and Rancho Villareal for providing their facilities for our beach and pool events during the last three months.
On November 22 we had a Christmas Party at Rancho Villareal with presents for all these children, youngsters, and their families. They enjoyed the presents, decorated Christmas cookies and swam in the pool.
Thanks to hotel Cala Luna, Hacienda Pinilla y Rancho Villareal por proporcionar las instalaciones para nuestros eventos de playa y piscina durante los últimos tres meses.
Thanks to Heather Lovegreen for helping coordinate this event. Thanks to Kelle Rich for working with these children and their families individually in individual activities to attend ther special needs.
Creative and entrepreneurial youngsters
During October, November and December, the group of youngsters participated in the processes of academic support to make homeworks and projects from the education system. They participated in these months´ celebrations, creating processes of identity building and encouraging criticism face to situations that need to be solved and protected in our communities.
We worked on the English classes closure with Professor Dimitris, having the graduation on November 9, the music classes given by Professor Rodrigo Villalobos, yoga, and meditation spaces with the volunteers Laetitia and Vesna; spaces of physical conditioning and recreation with professor Belquis Gutiérrez. Along with the computer classes, personal development, and swimming, among others, given by the professor in charge.
13 workshops, lectures and cinema forums were developed; among the subjects we worked were team work and collaboration, expression of emotions, prevention of drug use and its consequences, healthy nutrition and care of the body; as well as indigenous culture and how is reality built. The Red Cross´s auxiliary committee of Cartagena developed a workshop on basic first aid, where the youngsters identified different sorts of bandages and what can be done face to an emergency.
We had the visit of Daniel Barahona, who shared with the group his life experience and gave them his book.
The youngsters participated in Playa Grande´s cleaning campaign and received and environmental workshop, with the collaboration of Leatherback Trust. At El Huerto Restaurant they enjoyed a demonstration of how a restaurant works and how to make artisan pizzas. They had a trip to MULTICINES Liberia and traveled to San José to the amusement park! The Civic Center for Peace offered them a workshop on masculinities and the Red Cross´s auxiliary committee of Cartagena explained to them how to provide first aid.
Thanks to the support from the volunteer Social Workers Alba Mensat and Ana Arteaga, during November a group of youngsters from CEPIA received educational workshops on these topics: “Family”, “Healthy Eating”, “Hygiene Habits”, “Correct use of Technology”.
We send special thanks to Park Rangers, SINAC, Juan Fonseca, Mackensie Matarrita, Angie Porras, Dervin Transports, Meyba Transports, Daniel Barahona.
Professional formations
During the last 3 months of the year, the program of Professional Formations and Employability continued working in opening opportunities of professional formation for the community, opening 3 new courses in alliance with INA; kitchen assistant, essential basic embarkation, emergency first respondent, with a total of 41 people enrolled. There were also 9 workshop sessions in several subjects related to the professional and labor areas, such as work empathy, decision making, adequate creation of the curriculum vitae or management of family finances. 85 persons participated in these workshops, and 7 persons finished a brief course on digital art of 9 hours.
On the other hand, other courses finished during this time. 84 persons finished their courses, such as: sailor course, basic embarkation, basic and intermediate English, hotel waitress, residential electricity, among others. According to the surveys conducted, 75% of the graduate students confirmed that the courses have had a high or very high impact in their professional and personal lives. “CEPIA´s English course helped me have more trust on myself and losing the embarrassment of speaking English in public with people who master English 100%”, shared a student.
At the same time, the free service of “employability counseling” has strengthened. 20 more persons received counseling during the last 3 months, and of all the people who came to the program looking for a job, 29 of them, which represents 44% have already found one.
We want to thank all the persons that have made possible for the professional trainings and employability counseling to continue. So many professors, students, INA, and specially the donors and volunteers. Special mention to John Sommer Sommer, Jessica Agahi, Richard Ramírez, Jessica Peters, Irene Gómez, Wendy Valverde, Joshua Sandí and Amanda Huang.
We also want to thank the enterprises that have supported the courses enabling professional practices, such as Panache Sailing, Marlin del Rey, Pacific Soul, Pacific Coast Dive Center, Blue Dreams, Yellowfin and Señuelo del Pacífico, as well as enterprises that have given their support by hiring personnel, such as Hotel Flamingo 360, El Huerto de Playa Grande, Serendipity and Reserva Conchal.
Finally, we want to thank 3 former students of the electricity course, Alex Angulo, Elias López and Walter Arauz, that have helped voluntarily in the electrical facilities of CEPIA´s new music building.
Extracurricular classes
The soccer team of the Trapiche community was in the championship tour at the town of Tilarán, where the children played and shared. In another coastal community, part of the group that daily visits Tita´s diner at El Llanito town, has been surfing, practicing yoga and at the same time using their imagination to perform different handwork. We thank the volunteer Lilly Boss for all her support during this time.
Children that practice jijitsu at Hero Academy received a beautiful Christmas activity. We thank Ron Jarman, Martha Alvarez, Filimon Berrios for their time and commitment.
The children of the swimming group at Potrero Beach achieved the lifeguard level, course given by Connec Ocean Aquatic Academy. We thank the trainers, Leo Almanza and Andrea Meza for their participation during the whole year, providing and incredible contribution to the children in their learning.
During October, when the children clubs closed, we made graduation trips. We thank Hotel las Tortugas in Grande Beach for opening their doors for such a special moment for the girls.
The S4 Program is back with energy and will to surf, everything in coordination with Geovanny Espinoza, we also had the glad company of our dear Andrea Díaz.
Special thanks to Reserva Connchal for the donation for the Huacas girls club of “nutrivida” packages.
Psychological care for boys and girls in coastal communities and CIDAI
Since October, psychologists Claudia and Eleana have been serving 43 boys and girls and 27 minors have completed their therapeutic process. 3 minors were referred to the public health system (CCSS). 14 boys and girls are waiting for a space to start therapy. 19 youth were referred to adult psychologists.
CEPIA’s psychology and holistic health department uses EMDR therapy, art therapy, systemic therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
For the last 3 months we have the following information registered regarding external attention (community coasts in the CEPIA influence zone):
- Total of active cases as of December 17: 43 cases
- Closed cases in the trimester: 27
- New cases in the trimester: 30
- Cases referred to the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) in the trimester: 3
- Cases referred to Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI): 0
- Cases in waiting list: 14
- Cases treated with EMDR therapy in the trimester (eye movement DE sensibilization and reprocessing): 4
- Psychology team meetings: 2
- Young referred to adult psychology: 19

Graph n.25. shows EMDR, the origin or genesis of complex trauma in children and youngsters who received this type of psychological intervention during year 2021, where it can be seen that of a sample of 15 minors, 9 said to have had traumatic experiences of domestic violence during their childhood-adolescence, and 4 of them said had had child sexual abuse, causing a need for therapy with symptoms such as: anxiety, depressive symptoms, self-mutilations, personality disorders, suicidal ideation and conduct, among others. This shows, according to the graph, that many children and youngsters develop diverse chronical symptoms where the origin of their trauma is in the first experiences with people who were supposed to protect and love them and reflects the emotional and physical damage that occurs when living aversive experiences and being exposed to situations of violence or sexual abuse, most of them experienced in their nuclear families, according to what is registered in the psychological evaluation interviews.

The previous graph represents a sample of 14 minors in EMDR therapy, reflecting that the main origin of trauma produces diverse emotional, psychological, and behavioral symptoms, developing the following: exposure to domestic violence (directly or indirectly), sexual abuse, parental negligence and exposure to bullying in early ages.

Graph n.9 shows the main reasons for consultation in clinical psychology for the period 2021. In first place were the behavioral disorders with 57 minors, in second place situations of grief with 26 cases, third place depressive symptoms with 24 cases (including suicidal ideation, behavior and cutting), in the fourth place 18 anxiety cases and in the fifth place cases of domestic violence and child sexual abuse with 14 cases. Also for this year, there were no attentions regarding substance use or abuse, reflecting a significant decrease for the period, which could be explained due to the prevention and strengthening of psychoeducation through workshops for children and adolescents of the Daily attention children center CIDAI.
Psychological attention given to minors of the internal program CIDAI (Daily children center of integrative attention)
For the last 3 months we have registered the following information regarding psychological attention:
- Total active cases: 28
- New cases: 7
- Closed cases:7
- Cases referred to Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS):1
- Cases referred to Patronato Nacional de la Infancia:2
- Number of workshops: 7. For the groups of early childhood, preschool and the two elementary groups, workshops have been given
- regarding children´s rights and domestic violence
- Interviews of psychological profile for admission of minors to CIDAI: 3
- Participation in 3 meetings of CIDAI team to treat special cases

In graph n.29 the reason for consultation of minors of CIDAI in psychology regards inn the first place 31 cases with behavioral disorders, followed by depressive symptoms in 9 cases, in the third place, hypersexual behavior. What suggests, according to the graph, that for this year there is an increase in this behavior (hypersexual behavior) in comparison with year 2020, where there were no cases. In the first place remain the disorders that compromise behavior in children, what caused that for 2021 we placed more attention to the team that accompanies first childhood and preschool with the objective of facilitating tools or techniques for the teachers face to the situations previously described, using positive discipline in the classroom.
Advances in Psychology for adults
The Program for Adult Attention has had a great high demand in the area of CEPIA´s influence, Santa Cruz and its coasts, due that CEPIA Association is the only institution offering a free professional quality option in the Guanacaste province.
Until December 2021, the amount of persons treated was of 349, at the time of closure (December 17, 2021) there were 86 persons with an open file waiting for an appointment for 2022 for their therapeutic process. Additional to this list remain 45 persons in waiting list, but it has to be taken into account that this list fluctuates and changes from day to day.
Tele-psychology is offered to persons that cannot come because of large distance, nevertheless, the majority prefer a presence-base modality.
Telephone numbers for attention for the Adult Program are: 8483-2153 and 8933-0503 with a schedule from Monday to Saturday from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Prominent sponsor of the month: Aromaflor
Children discover healing odors.
Psychological attention at CEPIA includes the use of essential oils.
“Aromaflor orgánico” started 20 years ago as an eco-distillation enterprise, and thanks to this period of work and research we became pioneers in organic aromatherapy in Costa Rica.
Allied enterprises of the month: Automercado y Vindi Tamarindo
In alliance with CEPIA Costa Rica, we want to provide totally equipped back packs with school supplies for 500 children of the coastal area of Santa Cruz, Guanacaste.
Your help is really important, and because of that, we await you in Auto and Vindi Tamarindo, starting today.
Golf event
In November 21 we organized in coordination with Hacienda Pinilla and TurfSafari the first individual golf tournament in benefit of CEPIA. We raised $4000 and thank all the players for their participation!
Thanks to our sponsors: Lola’s, Hacienda Pinilla Golf, Wyndham, Los altos de Eros, Capitan suizo, The Coast, The Palms, Casa Chameleon, Reserva Conchal golf, La Obeja Negra, Carla Rowlings photography, Serendipity charters, Deli Cafe, Tamarindo Coffee Roasters, Utopia Bakery, Ice Factory Huacas.
Thanks to volunteers: Kristin Coffey, Elizabeth Daley, Roberto Barrantes, Wences Mendioroz, Simona Daniele, Catalina Baltodano, Ander.
CEPIA closes year 2021 with more presence in Social Media and National Media:
Part of the actions that CEPIA makes to spread and strengthen its presence nationally and internationally consists in the creation of new social media and the uninterested support of national media that spread our strongest actions.
During 2021, we had presence in social media as Linkedin, looking forward to the generation of new alliances with the business and professional sector. The creation of our TikTok account form the Youngster CEPIA Program approaches us to a modern language where they can, with their teachers, work with different videos and contemporary audiovisual material.
During November, we were ale to spread the 25th November activity, International Day Against Violence to Women, through national media and with FB and IG campaigns, arriving to more than 22000 people on Facebook.
Thanks to our donors!
Whale Donors / Donantes Ballenas 2021
Wayne and Judith Kreklewich
The Tony Robbins Foundation
Las Ventanas de Playa Grande
Colette Cares
Todd & Mary Heistand Family Foundation
Troper Wojcicki Foundation
Kaplan family
Reserva Conchal
Jon & Lisa Reichlin
Jodi Gallant & Stuart Sheldon
John & Donna Sommer
Julie & Jeff Jumonville
Mar Vista
Bart Van Vooren
Strachan Foundation
Pura Vida Energy Systems
Bella Vida
Martyn & Debi Hoffmann
Fundación CRUSA
Chris Daley
Patricia Diak
Stephane Boivin
Ted Alexander
Arlene Kahn
Pavel and Kimberly Oliva Charitable Fund
Mariposa Homes
Jeffrey Christo
Junta de Protección Social, IMAS, PANI
Thank you SHARKS!
Sangha Angud, Robert & Diane Sagrillo, Craig & Rhonda Cole, Josh & Diane Blanco, Nancy Newman, Dariush & Jessica Agahi, Greg & Cindy Kost, Jim & Melinda Kanter, Rachel White , Traylor Portman, Tammy Bedey , Nila Leiserowitz , Diane Sagrillo , Linnea Hauser, Allyson Rappaport , Jessica Williams, Jessica Agahi, Dariush Agahi, Ileana D’Lacoste, Marcela Rosen, Sangha Angud, Tracey Fowler, Huifen and Kirk Dunn, Anne and Laurence Charity Fund, Jorge Alers, Jim and Melinda Kanter, Heather Foster, Boyd and Susanne Lumsden, Traylir Portman, Munir Hussain, Flamingo Reality.
We also thank
Ellen Zoe, Luke Todd, Karen Sheppard, Brad Cooper, Chris Prochak, Andy Arrow, Julile Nelles, Corby Kiss, Lisa Johnson, Jessica Sheffield Zamora, Kendra Erkamaa, James Dushek, Joe Butorac, Megan Dorn, Roxane Rubia, Stephanie lippens, Yves Deweer, Brayton Batson, Doug Johnson, Peter Gordon, Anthony Carrion, Stephanie Shepler Harren, Scott McCoy, Derek Loewen, Thomas Allen, Andrew Bellay, Mike Nelson, David Stanton, Kyle Millemon, Peter Gordon, Naphtali Foster, Corey Touchston, Antonia Bernard, Joni Davis, Aya Natan, Paula Avila, Brenda Carey, Ashley Gillespie, Ryan Vilfer, Robert Strassburg, Jerry Hirsch, Jeff McMillan, John Warner, Nick Alers, Jeffrey Christo, Wesley LeBlanc, Karim Younes, Luc Aalmans, Aaron Hager, Janis Zloto, Ryan Vander Zwart, Michael Ajango, Christopher Jones, Dominic Ribaudo, Maggie Butler, Sergio Barahona, Sarah Solomon, Linnea & John Hauser, Heather Carpay, Marcelo alfonso, James Gleich, George Peter Rose, Kristy Koncak, Heather Gilman, Jacqueline Carsman Jose Alberto Murillo, Luis Arias Chacon, Jason Scott Clements, Barrrantes Dominguez, Lynn Lamoinel Flores, Edgar Fernandez Sequeira, Tama Food Bank, Super massai, Karen Grencik, Jose Alberto Murillo, Derde nueve S.a, Tamarindo Bay Boutique, Gina Viquez Murillo, Cathy Maucourant, guana Hotel Holdings Corporation LTDA, Carolina Zeledon, Bel Amandine Dominique, Susana Maria Muñoz, Estero Paraiso, Chris Gilman, Sherri Hull, Tamarindo Luxury Villas, Jill Massey, Jill Massey, John Buche, Christopher Browne, mary diaz , Adore La Vie, Carlotta Jaus, STACY DESLATTE , Kristina Hughes , Garrett Koehn , Robert Perkins , Emily Sawyer Kegerreis, Courtney Lambert , Lauren Valentino , Maureen Duane
And thank you to all the people who dropped off gifts and money at the angel trees!!
Thanks for your material donations
CASA Y MAS, Familia Pavel, Hotel ONDA, Witch´s rock, Tania Hueso, Tyra Bauer, Tomas Brewer, Andrey Colon , laurel Rooney Dimaggio, Argerie Cordero , Ignacio del Solar, Drew Herold, Comaco, Karol Trejos, Cristina Bonilla, Karol Corrales, Coralie Lissilour, Elizabeth Sandoval, Montserrat Cordero, Vanessa Carmiol, Pilar Barba, Natalia Correa, Heather lovegreen, Elda Esquivel Quesada, Ryan Belisle, Josh Beers, Kelle Rich, john & Linnea Hauser, Diocel, Brianna, Mike Bustte, Noelia Galan, Bernardo Verweij, Michelle Tyler, Emma Bowler, Tonya Upson, Kristy Mauro, Bahia Art Shop – Sabine, Marcelo Earrouex, Eveline Meier, Kimberly Chavez Guillen / Juan Pablo Moya, Andrea Mena Castro , Mary jane Vigneault, Kent Seighious, Jon Marin , Suklin Aju, Caterine Milinaire, kathi Knight, Sean Fecht.
THANKS to students and temporary volunteers who provided support during those last months: Alba Menzat Martinez, Irene Gomez, Robin Buttel Antras, Rosa Ivaschuk, Ana Arteaga, Sophia Haitzer, Amanda Huang, Lisa Hove, Sarah Grimm, Paula Rieger, Alexander Guevara, Joselyn Amores.
Follow Us!
Nuevo grupo Amigos de CEPIA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1624238844396009/
FB: cepiacostarica1
IG: cepia_costa_rica
Be the change you want to see in the world!