Manual de agresión y abuso sexual


CEPIA now has three internal protocols in cases of: sexual abuse, violence and parental neglect. These instruments are of great importance for the protection and defense of the rights of our children and adolescents.


Maria, single mother of a child beneficiary of CIDAI “CEPIA has supported me in many ways and helped me taking care of my son”.
Young people update from CEPIA

Young people

Culture Day Young people celebrated the day of cultures and international rights day. Lifeguards Thanks to the collaboration of Connect Ocean, some of the young people participated in workshops on lifeguards activities. The power of decisions In November the youth group visited the Institutional Service Center of Liberia. They shared experiences with women and the
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Girls and boys update from CEPIA News

Girls and Boys

Every Girls’ Club is a meeting place where important topics are discussed to grow in freedom and responsibility. 231 girls participated in this program in 2019. We thank JW Marriott Guanacaste for opening their doors for our graduation trip. It was a nice graduation day out for the girls from Portegolpe, El Llanito and San José de Pinilla. Thanks, Kathia Garcia, our mentor, and to the volunteer bus driver, Carlos Arias.