A successful Christmas campaign
Thanks to everyone who donated gifts or money to purchase gifts! Thanks to the Black&White Event and all the donations, we managed to deliver Christmas presents to over 1250 children! 110 families received food packages to celebrate Christmas.
A very special thanks to Alexandra Hill Zepeda and Allyson Rappaport for taking on the logistics of the operation!
We thank the following volunteers for their support: Christelle Herriot, Jessica Williams, Jodi Gallant, Kelle Rich, Kristin Coffey, Nathalie Salazar, Shelley Campbell, Terri McCarthy, Traylor Portman, Rain Kramer, Amy Jacobs, Diane Alexander, Alexa and Ernest and Sean Toman, Noah and Sophie and Matt Goldberg, Bianca Javogue, Chris Ingalls, Christelle Herriot, Jessica Lynn Care, Amber Burroff, Geneva and Tahj and Diego Ellen, Natasha Averith, Sbarina, Isabel Burtak, Claudia Santisteve, Marla Steinmeyer, Karen Faller, Sabrina Brandstatter.
Thanks to the CEPIA staff, especially Laetitia Deweer, Maria Jose Cappa and Juan Carlos Gomez for their coordination and ongoing work.
Thanks to the CEPIA managing board: Simona Daniele, Martin Salerno, Gina Matalvassi, Vincent Barrabe, Wenceslao Mendioroz, Erika Araya, Roberto Cespedes and Catalina Baltodano for their support and commitment!
Your support makes the difference!
Supporting women in Guanacaste: Women’s circle
In the Women’s Circle closing session, the women visited the Miravalles volcano. We would like to thank all the people who helped make this year’s experience enriching, and a special thanks to each participant for their achievements and commitment #somoscepia #circulodemujeres
The Tamarindo women’s Collective took part in some talks on feminism held by the organization ACCEDER in Liberia. Another talk was given to the Tamarindo cab drivers and the EF language school on how to prevent sexual abuse in Tamarindo, with the support of ADIT (Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de Tamarindo).
The Tamarindo women’s collective, along with CEPIA and ADIT, organized a march and other activities on November 25, to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The activities were held in Tamarindo and Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. According to Wendy Valverde, founder of the Tamarindo Women’s Collective: “since the beginning of 2022, the group’s been very busy. Once again, this year we had a march; it set off from “Plaza de Deportes” in Tamarindo, went along the main street all the way to the traffic circle, and ended at Oneida Park with several artistic activities. The aim of the group is to make the Tamarindo community and surrounding areas safe for all females. We march so that girls and women can exercise their right to safe spaces for work, sports, leisure, mobility and transportation.”
Girls’ Clubs
CEPIA offers girls clubs in several different communities: Huacas, El Llano, La Garita Nueva, 27 de abril, Villarreal, San Francisco/Linderos, Cartagena, Tempate, El Llanito, San José de Pinilla, Santa Rosa, Brasilito and Paso Hondo. In these last months, the girls have learned to value themselves; they’ve understood the importance of having safe spaces where they can feel respected and they’ve learned to identify possible dangers in order to make the best decisions for their future.
This weekly event is highly important for communities like Brasilito where, sadly, there is no school or other educational establishment; in these cases, such spaces where girls can spend time together are of vital importance.
Thanks to all the program sponsors; Strachan Foundation, Reserva Conchal, Flamingo Realty, Brano Polak, Karuna Foundation, Julie and Jeff Jumonville.
At the end of this year’s term, the girls club in Huacas held a graduation ceremony coupled with a field trip to Villa Pura Vibra in Playa Potrero. A very special thanks to those who made this trip possible.

The Surf4youth program is possible thanks to the support of Marlin del Rey and our instructor, Juan Carlos Naranjo, who also coaches the Costa Rican National Junior team
The S4Y team welcomes the professional surfer Juan Carlos Naranjo, who has a long career in surfing. He has represented Costa Rica in several global, Latin American, and Central American competitions and is now dedicated to coaching.
On his first days of coaching, Juan Carlos started by sharing motivational videos, coupled with surf-focused physical training in Playa Tamarindo.
When training in the water, he works on competition strategies, creating different competition scenarios, and much more.
A big thanks to Geovanny Espinoz ,for his involvement in these last years. We are forever grateful for his support!
Yo Soy la Respuesta (I Am the Answer)
The program has successfully completed its first year of implementation in 9 public schools in Guanacaste, thanks to the funding of the Todd and Mary Heintand Family Foundation.
We would like to thank Fundación Gaia, Javier Francisco Ortiz and Adriana Ramirez for their valuable contribution in the field of Conscious Evolution and for sharing this mission with CEPIA. We thank our mentors Wendy Abarca and Priscila Arias, as well as all the volunteers: Erika Araya, Marilu Caravaca, Lia Gonzalez, and students Marla Steinmeyer and Isabel burtak. We also thank the teachers and principals of each school, all of whom were essential in conducting this lovely project, which has reached 221 children around our beautiful province.
The communities of San Francisco, Trapiche, Hernandez, 27 de Abril, Paso Hondo, Playa Potrero, Cartagena and Garita now have their own generation of Guardians of Earth. In the last section, the children learned that each action we take has an impact on our Planet. This is why they signed the Earth Peace and Welfare Treaty, choosing to live in a conscious, healthy and sustainable manner. They are reducing their ecological footprint by actively participating in the solution of the problems faced by our planet. After all, they are the future and hope of humanity. “Yo Soy la Respuesta” seeks to raise awareness in children about the importance of looking after ourselves and seeing the Planet Earth as a Living Creature; if the Planet is ill, we´re ill as well.
In the third section of “Vida Sostenible ” the children in the program enhanced their environmental awareness by participating in collective actions, by doing community work, and by learning how to live in Harmony with Nature. Some actions included beach and school cleanups, planting trees at schools, and learning about healthy consumption habits, water preservation, biodiversity and caring for animals. They also learned about the Earth Statement, while they completed the rainbow of the 9 magic powers of our being, in three different units. In addition, some groups took an Integration Tour at the Regenerative agriculture garden in Tempate. thanks to Roberto Cespedes for his support.
The program will be resumed in March 2023, reaching some 200 children in new schools. We are very happy to see what a positive impact this program has on the life of so many people and families, on our community and on our planet. Thanks, and congratulations to all the Guardians of the Earth, CEPIA 2022.
We are very pleased and thankful towards Happy Feet, for offering skateboarding classes to the children of Brasilito. Also thanks to Reserva Conchal for providing their skatepark for the recreational activities.
This program is a successful partnership between Happy Feet and CEPIA. There are two more skating groups in the area; one in Villarreal and one in Playa Grande.
Professional Training and Employability
The Professional Training and Employability program continues to bring opportunities to our community. During the last quarter of this year, we completed 12 courses, including Boat Basics and Pool Operator, by the INA (National Institute of Learning).
In addition, we finished three English courses and the Electrical Training for Buildings for 73 students who graduated in the last three months of 2022.
In November, a certification endorsed by the International Surfing Association took place in Tamarindo; ten local surfers received training in Aquatic Rescue and Standards for Surf Instructors. The training added as many hours in the classroom as practices on the beach and ended with a surf workshop for children, which we coordinated with the CEPIA Extracurricular Classes program.
We also developed other training and workshops, including Food Handling, Sewing, Acrylic Nails, and Swimming/Lifeguard Instructor. A total of 45 people graduated from this type of training.
Concerning employability, we have continued to provide free advisory services. During each session, we build an effective resume and guide the users to a successful job search. 89% of the people who participated in a session in the last quarter have given the employability service the highest grade, highlighting the support and motivation received and the usefulness of the information shared during the session.
We thank the donors and volunteers who are a fundamental part of the program. A special mention goes to John Sommer, Richard Ramírez, Shelley Campbell, Linnea Husser, Isabel Burtak, and Claudia Santisteve. Special thanks to Juan Fonseca for his significant contributions to the program during its beginning and development stages.
We also recognize the vocation of the CEPIA and INA teachers and the effort and determination of the students, who fill us with great pride.
Lastly, we thank the companies and institutions that have made the program’s actions possible: Iguana Surf, Hotel Tamarindo Bay, Selina Tamarindo, Witch’s Rock, Vamos Youth, Tamarindo Church, Las Colinas Condominium, El Mercadito Tamarindo, La Oveja Tamarindo, and Mandarina Tamarindo.
Strengthening underprivileged families
We are currently monitoring several families living in poverty or extreme poverty who require intervention and social care; over this period, we´ve assisted some 60 families through donations, mostly food and furniture.
Psychology for the children of the CIDAI program
In 2022, 98 minors from the CIDAI (Children’s day care center for integral attention) program received psychological care: some of the methods involved holistic treatments with Bach flowers, aromatherapy, yoga for children, CBD, as well as extracurricular activities like swimming or gymnastics.
Each case has been addressed from different therapeutic approaches, such as family therapy, crisis intervention, EMDR, and brief psychotherapy. The main reported disorders addressed during 2022 were conduct disorder, depressive symptoms and family conflicts amongst others.
We have managed to reach a total of 100 underage boys and girls, through 26 psychoeducational workshops that addressed various topics, such as bullying prevention, sexuality, drug prevention, sexual abuse prevention, teenage pregnancy, dating, decision-making, conflict resolution, emotions, developmental changes, mourning, types of violence, emotional self-control techniques, sharing, and hygiene habits.
We’ve introduced positive discipline therapeutic groups with the involvement of 10 mothers from the CIDAI program, under the slogan “tearless upbringing” with a total of 32 sessions. The goal of this group is to get families to commit to their children’s education and to assist in their kids’ socioemotional development in the most favorable manner. According to the pre test results, this is what most mothers thought positive discipline was:
“My mom taught me not to talk back”
“It’s like giving orders but without aggression”
“To me, discipline is punishing my kids when they misbehave”
And this was their disciplinary strategy:
“I make them do the dishes, or I don’t let them watch TV; I punish them”
“Grounding; no TV; no new toys; no chocolate”
“I talk to them three times, and sometimes I hit them”
The post test showed that the mothers learned valuable lessons on the concept and strategies of positive discipline:
“It’s educating our children with love and firmness”
“Be firm, but more importantly be patient and loving”
“It’s being kind and firm at the same time; it’s being respectful and motivating”
Regarding the positive discipline strategies they learned to use, they mention the following:
“Establish routines, set the example, assign them tasks”
“Talk with your kids and show them you trust them”
“Always reaffirm positive comments, be honest”
The post test proved that the therapeutic group met the expectations:
“I felt at ease with the group, I learned a lot and it’s actually useful, since I have many kids.”
“They’ve helped me become a better mom for my daughter”
“They reminded me that we are just humans learning how to deal with being moms: I felt that I´m not alone”
It is noteworthy that for 5 months, 54 parents took part in a training course that seeks to prepare communal leaders to comprehensively address suicide attempts and teach them community prevention. This is an ILAIS strategy (ILAIS: Local Agencies for a Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Risks), which aims to train them and involve them in health issues; the idea is to use this method to identify the basic concepts of suicide, risk factors, protection factors, suicidal conduct prevention, emotional first aid, suicidal mourning, and care standards in cases of suicidal conduct. We thank UNED for arranging this training course for CEPIA. Some parents said they were really satisfied with the course and added that their most important learning was:
“Sharing and interacting more, putting our phones down, loving ourselves more to enjoy a good mental health. Releasing stress. Always trying to find the way to express our fears and our feelings; not shutting ourselves off.”
“Self-esteem; always positive”
“Helping people with depression issues”
“Mental health”
“Well, in my case, the first topics shared were excellent; really interesting.”
Psychological care for all
In 2022, 198 children received external psychological help. The main disorders in the clinical psychology area were in this order: 1) conduct disorders, 2) depressive symptoms, 3) anxiety disorders, and 4) sexual abuse and family conflict. This last year, there were 6 more cases of sexual abuse compared to 2021.
252 adults (185 women and 67 men) received a total of 855 individual psychotherapeutic sessions.
On the other hand, 9 mothers and 15 adolescents took part in 13 group therapy sessions; 7 on positive discipline and 6 on emotion management. As far as community work is concerned, a total of 370 minors and 37 parents benefited from the different school workshops. Amongst the teenage population, 52 people took part in individual or family psychotherapeutic sessions.
I want to really thank her for everything she’s done for me; she’s helped me feel very well and I’m very grateful for that. With her, I could finally vent and express myself. She’s a great psychologist; she’s the best!” (9-year-old girl)
Through these psychoeducational-preventive workshops at schools we manage to educate, prevent, and have a positive impact on the local communities, children and their families. We reached 407 people through 22 workshops aimed at 7 public schools as well as the 3 main high schools within the CEPIA area of influence. The two preventive topics were: violence at schools for minors and positive discipline for parents and tutors.
Teachers from 5 different schools noted that it had a positive impact on students and parents alike.
The greatest novelty in psychological care for 2022 was group therapy. The target group were teens and moms outside the CIDAI program; it reached 35 people; 15 teens, 10 mothers from the CIDAI program, and 10 mothers outside the program. The subjects addressed were: emotion management and anxiety (for teens), and upbringing with love and firmness (for the CIDAI mothers). Using the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), we could show how half the teens managed to reduce their anxiety levels from severe – moderate to mild, having a positive impact on their anxiety and general mood.
We want to thank the following volunteers: Atty. Luis Eduardo Zapata, Atty. Sary Barrantes, Atty. Sugey Alvarez, and the nursing students at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. Thanks to UNED-ILAIS, Atty. Maria Edith Arrieta Ortiz, Milagros Rodriguez Rodriguez, Mariam Paniagua, Michelle Mc Cluff, Roy Fonseca, Anyi Arroyo, Wendy Abarca, Priscila Arias,Patricia Coester, and Alejandro for their interinstitutional support. We also want to thank the foreign volunteers Claudia Santisteve, Isabel Bustali, Elena Thoni, and Marla Steinmeyer.
Children’s daycare center for integral attention
The CIDAI daycare program benefits 111 minors at social risk, by protecting their rights and teaching them life skills. During this last semester, the children received educational, socioemotional and psychological support. Half of them received music classes.
In September the children took Sound Therapy classes with the volunteer Vezna. On September 15, they took part in the parade in Huacas. In October we celebrated Children’s Day with a costume party.
In December, thanks to a subsidy offered by PANI (National protection Institute for Children), the children enjoyed several recreational excursions. There will be some more in January, 2023. It has been a year full of satisfaction for all the participating children; they found a safe space where they are protected and cared for.
Support from University students
A special thanks to the Nursing School of Universidad Latina de Santa Cruz for joining us this 2022 in the different projects we developed at the Daycare Center, as well as for their community work and their support to the Women’s Circle.
10th anniversary of the Black & White party, color edition!
We are very pleased to announce that thanks to the support of 400 attendees, lots of sponsors and the remarkable help of Pangas, the fundraising party Black & White 2022 raised $50,280!!! This year we are extremely grateful to our platinum sponsors: Reserva Conchal, Mariposa Vacation Homes, and RPM Tamarindo. We also thank Nalakai, Robin B. Movement and Wellness Coach and Pico Bistro for their enormous support.
The party was also sponsored by 5 Star Luxury Rentals of Tamarindo, Capitan Suizo, Pangas, Serendipity Charters, Surfbox, Remax Ocean Surf & Sun, DJ Orias and Ocaso Festival, Brother Brutus, TamCam, Carla Rowlings photography, Floristeria Cristal, and Hielo Friza.
This fundraising event was so successful also thanks to so many businesses donating products and services to the silent auction:
2 Aves, 506 ATV Tours, Alegria soaps, Ali Graham, Antonio Saba, Aurea, Azul Profundo, Bagus, Bamboo sushi, Bendita, Blue dolphin, Blue Zone experiences, Boa Brewery, Boomerang Tours, Capitan suizo, Capullo fishing, Casa chameleon, Casa y Mas, Castillo de Lilo, Clinica Veterinaria Dra Karla Carvajal, veterinaria Cavallini, Coco Day Spa, Colores del pacifico, Cura sana, DOMA home decor, Dr Eduardo villalobos beauty clinic, Dragonfly, EK Art Jewelry, El Huerto playa grande, Fish & Cheese, Fresa en agua nail bar, Haciena guachipilin, HandleBar, Hang Ten, Hotel Luna Llena, Hotel playa negra, John Ryan – Festoon Salon, JW Marriott, La Barrica, La Boca, Las catalinas, Lazy Lizzard Sailing, Life is better at sea, Lilian wine store, Lola’s, Los Altos de Eros, Lydia Beech Art, Malu art, Mama Kona, Margaritaville, Marlin del Rey, Maryola Tours, North Pacific Legal, Ojos del Mar, Pachanga, el Santuario, Pascual, Patagonia del grill, Patagonia del mar, Petit paris, Playtide Catamaran & Charters, Pots & Bowls, Pura vida ride, Reserva conchal golf course, Rightway, Rip jack inn, Sentido Norte, Serendipity charters, Silvia Cruz, Surf Club Bar & Grill, Swell Dealer, Tamarindo Tours Discovery, Tempisque Eco Tours, The Coast, The Grateful Hotel, The Palms, The Shack, The W hotel, Ti marouba Sailing, Unity center, Urban Nature, Villa Deevina, Wake Spa at Las Catalinas, Westin hotel, Wonder Away.
Even though there was some HEAVY rain earlier that day, the skies opened during the evening, so we were able to enjoy the delicious dinner at Pangas, savor unique cocktails, and try mezcal (by Noble Coyote), as well as some delicious Corbe Gourmet wines. Brother Brutus Band and Ocaso Festival gave us all the energy to dance all night.
Click on the links below to see photos of the event:
Thanks to our donors
WHALE Donors
BOMBA Huacas
Las Ventanas de Playa Grande
Nick Sondel
Todd & Mary Heistand Family Foundation
Troper Wojcicki Foundation
Kaplan family
Reserva Conchal
Jon & Lisa Reichlin
Jodi Gallant & Stuart Sheldon
John & Donna Sommer
Julie & Jeff Jumonville
FRAME projects
Mar Vista
Bart Van Vooren
Bella Vida
Martyn & Debi Hoffmann
Daley Family Fund
Patricia Diak
Ted Alexander
Arlene Kahn
Pavel and Kimberly Oliva Charitable Fund
Mariposa Homes
Huifen & Kirk Dunn
Junta de Protección Social, IMAS, PANI
VOLO foundation
Marlin del Rey
Thank you SHARKS
SHARKY’S TAMARINDO, IGUANA SURF Tamarindo, Jorge & Nicholas Alers, Super MASSAI, Hotel Gilded Iguana Nosara, JSM Santa Rosa, Jeffrey Christo, RPM rentals Tamarindo, Travel Pioneers, Anne Ferris / Nalakai, Alfa company, Terri mcCarthy, Karuna Happiness Foundation, Linnea & John Hauser, Art Ramirez, Cate and Dave Stallworth & Anderson, Tammy Bedey, Karen Sheppard, Robin B. Movement and Wellness Coach, Pico Bistro, Pangas restaurant, PETE BASSETT, Uniform advantage, Robert Smith, Megan Shetler
We also thank
Marida Hines, Garrett Benton, Lindsay Gratton, Amy Bonnett, Brandon Cook, David Kegerreis, Tammy Bedey, Janet Rivera, Alex Lago, Karen Butorac, Quinn Cox, Christy Peterson, Scott Marks, Wendy Twardzik, Paola Retana, Mary Ferri, Vittoria lasko, Carrie Brown, Andrew Rappaport, Nila Leiserowitz, Kathy Kowals, Star Luxury Rentals of Tamarindo, Capitan Suizo, Serendipity Charters, Surfbox, Remax Ocean Surf & Sun, DJ Orias and Ocaso Festival, Brother Brutus, TamCam, Carla Rowlings photography, Floristeria Cristal, Hielo Friza, Corbe Gourmet, GINGER ROOTS reggae band, THE CONSIGNMENT STORE, WANDERWORLD travel, Sarah Odell, Stacy Deslatte, Cura Sana, Betsy Lin, Traverse Journeys, Yves and Cathy Deweer, Joseph y Pilar Barba, bonnie bradshaw, Rachel White.
Thanks for your material donations
Alona Kushnarenko, Enfermeros de la U Latina, Rosmey Monge, Alejandra Parady, Jon, Stephanie Ashley, Laurel Rooney, Tony Dimaggio, Jose Antonio Lopez, Joshua Wilson, Joshua Sandi Alvarado, Joshua Sandi Alvarado, Wil Nuñez, Jennifer Velazquez, Freddy Leal Jaen, Magaly Beneditt Lopez, Amelia Bict, Lauren dea Roney, Casa y Mas, Michael L Kinloch, Ken Rackers, Tamara Madnthyn, Brad Ellen, Kimberly y Pavel Oliva, Luisa Reyes, Bill Bice, Hazel Gutierrez R, Jose Francisco Hernandez, Katie and Mark Kyte, Pablo Rojas R, Jason Abernathy, Heather Carpay, Abrahan Valenzuela, Alba Gutierrez Vega, Louise Boyd, Lio, Marilu Caravaca Aguirre, Vanessa Carmiol S, Kryz Dayan Umaña Chacón, Rachel Davis, Karry Bratton, Constina Howley, Debra Marcos, M. Teresa Okecki, Aya Natan, Harlan Clark, Patio Panaderia, Jorge L Guitiérrez, Casa y más, Clot Camille, Ian Bean, Jennifer Cavette, Kirsy Blanco Torrentes, Herifen Dunm, Christian Villalobos Ortiz, Ornela Estefanía Constantini, Luisa Reyes, Amélie Bizet, Prevel Camille, Hannah Alton, Courtney Cambert, Adrián Muscio, Lio Acina, Petra Schocp, Sophie Toyes, Swe Jahn, Kirster Tutuner, Vincent Lasnicki, Paula Thompson, Alina Lio, Mario Perez, Nicole Blanco, Kristin Craig, Dmitri Castillo, Lorena Castillo, Dana Elarte, Amelie Bizet, Jason Abernathy, Debra Marcos, Hazel Gutierrez, Remax Tamarindo, Marcos Clajudio, Jenifer Caovette, Kendle Bate , Gail Wilson, Hazel Gutierrez, Maria Terese Olachi, Sophie Mensu, Jefta Bade, Stephanie Alles, Kristi Riley, Mariana Lopez, John Haosse, Andra Olinic, Iant Corynne Bean, Monserrat Cordero, Almacen Organico y Natural, Jaume Pericas, Kalai Jonson, Linnea Hauser, Brad Brown, Marilu Caravaca Aguirre, Ignacio Holst, Xinia Ocampo Ch, Jaason Abernathy, Withch Rock Industries S.A, Jessica Scordamaglin, Alejandra Benavides, Edgar Roy Ramirez Briceño, Ian Bean, Bryan Scordamglk, Constina Howley, Elma Relihan, Jeffa Bade, Vanessa Carmiol, Vanessa Saenz, Eleazar Borch, Abdalde Romero, Gill Taylor, Wendy Valverde, Carla Paiva, Jose Antonio Leal, Gene Miraflores, Isabelle Eppler, Alejandra Calvo, Cpill Taylor, Martin Salerno, Ryan Sciancon, Xinia Chevez, Paula Thompson, Ivelisse Simon, Stephanie Gough, Elizabeth Daly.
Gracias a Carol Gardner, del Proyecto Fabricando mentes, diseñando hermosos vestidos para niñas de escasos recursos económicos, a Toni Henning por la donación de zapatos tenis a los jóvenes.
THANK YOU donors of the B&W silent auction
2 Aves, 506 ATV Tours, Alegria, Ali Graham, Antonio Saba, Aurea, Azul Profundo, Bagus, Bamboo, Bendita Tamarnido, Blue dolphin, Blue Zone experiences, Boa Brewery, Boomerang Tours, Capitan suizo, Capullo fishing, Casa chameleon, Casa y Mas, Castillo de Lilo, Clinica Veterinaria Dra Karla Carvajal, Cavallini, Coco Day Spa, Colores del pacifico, Cura sana, DOMA home decor, Dr Eduardo villalobos beauty clinic, Dragonfly, EK Art Jewelery, El Huerto playa grande, Fish & Cheese, Fresa en agua nail bar, Haciena guachipilin, HandleBar, Hang Ten, Hotel Luna Llena, Hotel playa negra, John Ryan – Festoon Salon, JW Marriott, La Barrica, La Boca, Las catalinas, Lazy Lizzard Sailing, Life is better at sea, Lilian wine store, Lola’s, Los Altos de Eros, Lydia Beech Art, Malu art, Mama Kona, Margaritaville, Marlin del Rey, Maryola Tours, North Pacific Legal, Ojos del Mar, Pachanga, Paquete Dueno Santuario, Pascual, Patagonia del grill, Patagonia del mar, Petit paris, Pico bistro, Playtide Catamaran & Charters, Pots & Bowls – Grande, Pura vida ride, Reserva conchal, Rightway, Rip jack inn, Robin B Movement Studio, Sentido Norte, Serendipity charters, Silvia Cruz, Surf Club Bar & Grill, Swell Dealer, Tamarindo Tours Discovery, Tempisque eco tours, The coast, The Grateful Hotel, The Palms, The Shack, The W hotel, Ti marouba Sailing, Unity center, Urban Nature, Villa Deevina, Wake spa at las catalinas, Westin hotel, Wonder Away.
Agradecemos a estos negocios por contar con un árbol de Angel para los regalos de Navidad:
Jungle Kids Toy Store, Carpe Diem, Cavallini Vet Hospital, Gracia, La Paz, Marie’s Restaurant, Pura Vida French Touch, Surfbox, The Palms, Petit paris, Alo Nico, Beach Community Church, Casa Chameleon, Copper and Stone, Educarte School, Langosta Surf Club, Las Catalinas Concierge, Nita coffee, Page Turner books, Pangas, Pura Vida Ride, Tamarindo Bay Hotel, Tide Academy, Ali ‘s treehouse preschool, Bamboo Sushi Club, Conchal hotel, La Boca, Patagonia Grill tamarindo, AggA Epokas, Cafetería, Patagonia Del Mar, Café Mar Azul, El Huerto, Playa grande surf camp, Hemingway’s, Reserva Conchal concierge, Costa rica sailing center, Cria Academy, Potrero brewery, Little Tropics, , Soli Surf, Nimbu Spa, Pots & Bowls, Outside the Box.
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