2020 was a difficult year and that is why CEPIA was more present than ever. We thank our collaborators, volunteers, board, and donors who have worked to improve the living conditions of many people in our community. We hope that this new year finds us united and caring for one another. Happy 2021 to all!
- 120 girls participate in Girls Club
- 108 girls, boys and young people receive educational, psychological, health, English lessons, art and recreation support at our CIDAI center in Huacas
- 498 girls and boys received their Christmas packages: a gift, a book, school supplies and a backpack
- 509 adults received psychological treatment from April to December 2020 during Covid-19 Emergency Program
- 8393 food packages were delivered from April to December 2020 during Covid-19 Emergency Program
- More than 650 women have benefited from the donation of a copper t since 2018
Christmas packages for girls and boys
On November 29, we launched our Christmas Campaign so that girls and boys from Guanacaste, who live in poverty, could receive a Christmas Package for the start of school classes. With the money collected in these trees, CEPIA made 498 Christmas packages. Each package had a gift, a book, school supplies, and a backpack for girls and boys.
We thank all the people who made a contribution. Thanks to volunteers Alexandra Hill and Lindsey Lefkow for coordinating gifts! THANK YOU Biopropec SA for your support!
We also thank LA JIRAFA Y YO for the donation of 600 storybooks. We are very grateful with all the shops where we were allowed to place our angel trees: Pangas, Sharky’s, Tamarindo Bay Boutique Hotel, Nimbu Spa, The Palms, Marie’s Restaurant, Surfbox, Pura Vida Ride, Pots and Bowls, La Paz, Surf Club Bar & grill, Gracia Restaurant, Casa Chameleon, Cavallini Veterinary Hospital, Organic Warehouse. Special thanks to Karen Harris, Gene Novak, Debi Hoffmann, Chris Ingalls, Anne Koornwinder.
New Board of Directors 2021:
As of December 17, CEPIA’s founder, Laetitia Deweer, is the new director of CEPIA’s Development and Strategy project. She will be in charge of developing innovative projects and fundraising strategies. “It is an important change for CEPIA’s growth. 15 years is a turning point, and I am very happy to take up this challenge, dedicate myself 100% to CEPIA again, and fight for the quality of life of our children and their families. We have a multidisciplinary and multicultural team that loves what they do”, Laetitia affirmed.
Courtney Borquet (USA) | President | Entrepreneur in real estate and professor of self defense. . |
Simonetta (Simona) Danielle (Italy) | Vice-President | Hotel owner y founder of SalveMonos. |
Annginette (Angie) Arroyo (Costa Rica) | Secretary | Education administrator. Theatre teacher. Healer. |
Ana Catalina Baltodano (Costa Rica) | Prosecutor | Lawyer. |
Wenceslao (Wences) Mendioroz (Argentina) | Chairperson 1 | Hotel and restaurant owner |
Martin Salerno (Argentina) | Treasurer | Entrepreneur |
Martyn Hoffmann (South Africa) | Chairperson 2 | Entrepreneur. |
Ana Margarita Elizondo (Costa Rica) | Chairperson 3 | Education administrator. Yoga instructor. |

Laetitia Deweer, is the new director of CEPIA’s Development and Strategy project
Early Intervention Center (CIDAI)
The CIDAI program is made up of four groups divided as follows: early childhood, preschool, primary school, and youth.
The 108 children and young people in vulnerable situations receive educational, psychological, health-care, English lessons, art, and other entertainment activities. 64 attend the center and, due to the pandemic, 44 receive our services at home. CEPIA does the follow up through WhatsApp, brochures and also sends food supplies.
In October, CEPIA celebrated Culture Day through a stand with typical foods from each country. In addition, 64 girls and boys participated in the value of the month: humility.
Every year, November 20 is a day dedicated to all the children and adolescents of the world, to encourage brotherhood promoting personal, social, and cultural well-being. It is a day to remember that children have the right to receive health care, protection, and education, regardless of where in the world they were born.CEPIA works to create a better present and future for them. Watch the video.
On November 25, CEPIA celebrated International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a concert thanks to Pedro Golobios and Roy Fonseca. The children were invited so that they became aware of this important issue. CIDAI Children’s parents received a talk about health. In addition, CEPIA made an agreement with the Gaia Foundation.
In December CEPIA also celebrated the Abolition of Army Day. The music teacher, Roy Fonseca led a percussion circle.
64 girls and boys went on an educational tour to the children’s museum in San Jose. CEPIA also celebrated Gratitude Month. “I am grateful that CEPIA exists” was one of the most popular sentences.
After School Program and Girls Club
This program offers entertainment and sports activities to 260 boys and girls. Due to the Covid-19, many of them had to stay at home and receive our service there.
In October CEPIA focused on the concept of healthy eating and offered Yoga Nidra to adolescents from our CIDAI program. In November, we worked individually with girls from the CIDAI primary group on the theme “I know myself and I love myself” and “I acknowledge my emotions”.
In December CEPIA and the GUTISOL company offered four Christmas dinners for low-income families. The volunteers of the emergency covid19 project donated toys for ten low-income families.
CEPIA opened two Girls Club in the communities of Cartagena and Trapiche. There are eight active girls’ clubs in the communities of: Cartagena, Portegolpe, El Llano, Huacas, Trapiche, Portegolpe, Matapalo and Villarreal for a total of 120 girls.
Huacas’ and Cartagena’s Clubs made a great video against violence towards women: https://fb.watch/2Oi4TrPY96/, and worked on a workshop about women’s personal hygiene.
CEPIA thanks Go adventure, Transporte Gutisol, Vive Aventura Travel, Cherry’s coffee, events, Doctor Clean, and La Senda for celebrating a very nice party. Girls jumped and ran with happiness. In the end, they shared a delicious snack.
CEPIA also thanks to the volunteer gymnastics teacher, Chelsea Ortega, who helped the girls prepare a show at the Christmas event.
Empowered women:
1. Women’s Circle by the director María José Cappa
This circle is a women’s space for sisterhood. Meetings are two and half hours long. Women share conversations about empowerment, personal communications, violence prevention, parenting patterns, and self-care. CEPIA works through art, music therapy, bio- dance in a healthy and safe environment. A total of 25 women participated in this group throughout the year.
Laetitia Deweer developed a workshop on sexuality for women. In December the Circle celebrated their existence and their growth together. They released into the sea those things that they needed to leave behind and celebrated life.
2. Women Entrepreneurs
Women receive training and education to develop skills that allow them to improve their quality of life and their families. During 2020, they learned trades, some of which can become small businesses for personal and family growth. 15 women participated in these groups.
These women have created delicious fresh produce and fair-deal fashion bags. You can find them each Saturday morning at the ADI Tamarindo Farmers Market. Special thanks to Gabriela Valenzuela, Martin Salerno, BIOPROPEC, Simona Daniele, Maria José Cappa, Pascal Chanselier, Laetitia Deweer, Barbara Cuevas, ADI Tamarindo, Eduardo Lavadini.
Grameen Costa Rica and the CEPIA Association have established a cooperation agreement to support women entrepreneurs who have a business underway. From Grameen, capacities related to the credit and financing part of the Projects are strengthened. At CEPIA we focus on identifying these women and strengthening life skills and empowerment.
We thank La Voz de Guanacaste for sharing our news once again:
3. Vida Mujer Project
Vida Mujer Project, Nosara Food Bank, and Nosara Medical Center ran an incredible clinic during October in Nosara. More than 160 women received an IUD (copper t). The intrauterine device provides safe, hormone-free birth control that lasts for 10 years. Thanks to the Nosara Food Bank, we were also able to offer a Pap free test. Pap smear results show that about 20% of Pap tests came back with signs of potentially dangerous results. This procedure can save lives. The response was so positive that we will continue to work on 2021.
We thank Dr. Jennifer Jiménez de Nosara for the excellent attitude towards these women.
We would like to thank Geneva Ellen Garcia our Project Manager and Laetitia Deweer, Jo Ellen Nott, Catherine Brooks, Tony Rao, Brenda Carey, Ana Maria Lopez Sanchez, Page Turner Books, Bookstore of the Waves, Julie Gohring, Martyn, and Debi Hoffmann, Abel, and Kerry Mcclennen, Vanessa Keen, Jan Johnson, Bart van Vooren, Sharon Custer, Jenn Herman for their support of this wonderful program. a special thanks to Brenda for the statistical work.
More than 650 women have benefited from the donation of a copper tee since 2018!
Emergency project COVID-19 and Guana-Huertas
CEPIA began phase 3 of the food emergency project with Guana-Huertas. This project located more than 70 new families at social risk so that they can have their own garden at home. University of International Cooperation (UCI) is working with three community gardens.
Today there are more than 100 little house gardens and 2 community gardens benefiting from the support of UCI and CEPIA.
CEPIA offered four workshops about Psychology in each of the two community gardens in San José de Pinilla and Tempate. to help those families and their community leaders.
CEPIA started a new volunteer project in the communities of El Llano, Villarreal, Brasilito, and Potrero. Nighty one low-income families participated in the improvement of their community: gardening and beach, streets, and community hall cleaning.
Between October and December, 352 food packages have been delivered in Brasilito, Potrero, Los Ranchos, Trapiche, Lagunilla, Lajas, Chirco, San José de Pinilla, Hatillo, Hernandez, El llano, Villarreal, Brasilito. From April to December CEPIA delivered 8393 packages.
Guana-Huertas presented their initiative to community leaders, representatives of associations of development, water associations at Villarreal, El Llano, Portegolpe, Santa Rosa, El Llanito, El Bejuco, Brasilito, Potrero, Tempate, San Francisco, April 27, Lorena and Paso Hondo.
Roberto Céspedes, Covid-19 Emergency Project Coordinator, wants to thank all the volunteers who have helped permanently:
Fabiola Montero, Tania Mujia, Maria Perez, Lizeth Molina, Michelle Rodriguez, Esperanza Roye and Filimon Barrios, Chris Ingalls, Luciano Leao, Randy Bright, Catalina Vargas, Paul Tremblay, Maria Wimmer, James Mazur, Patrick Rey, Rodolfo Villalobos, Tracey Gallagher and Petra Schoep.
Lcda. Patricia León Rodriguez, psychologist, worked since April in this project. These are October, November and December results:
- Number of people who received psychological counsel: 116, (27 with telepsychology)
- Patient age: from 18 to 85 years old.
- Women: 102.
- Males: 14.
- Sleeping Disorders: 68 patients.
- Reasons for counselling: personal problems, stress, depression, anxiety, grief, among others.
- Number of people by country of origin: Costa Rica 91 people, Nicaragua 24 people, Venezuela 1 person.
- Number of people who report having suffered some type of violence: 28
Summary from April to December 2020:
- 509 adults received psychological counseling, 80% were women
- 277 people showed sleeping disorders
- 93 people suffered some type of violence
Fabiola Montero, dedicated volunteer
Fabiola Montero is one of the most dedicated volunteers at the call center. She lives in El Llano and has 7 children. Fabiola takes the precious time that she would dedicate to her family to come and add her grain of sand. Ms. Montero is also a great motivator for the call center team and a great example of solidarity and dedication.
- How much do you dedicate to CEPIA?
From 8 am to 4 pm. There are times when I dedicate a little less. - What do you contribute to CEPIA?
I help do the phone interviews - How is your day at CEPIA?
It is my favorite hobby, I feel good helping in CEPIA. - What do you want for CEPIA for the new year?
I would like CEPIA to spread even more. It would be very nice, it is a very good organization, in fact, the only one in the Guanacaste area. - What do you do in your free time?
I spend time at home and with family. - Favorite movie: Fireproof
- Favorite food: Rice and beans
- Favorite Costa Rican place: Guanacaste
- Hobby: riding a motorcycle

Fabiola Montero, dedicated volunteer
Psychology by MSc Claudia Angulo and Licda. Eleana Alcacer
In 2020, CEPIA offered 219 psychological treatments. 145 of them belong to the area of clinical psychology, 56 were referred to breathing therapy, and 18 cases to physical therapy. It is worth mentioning that professional volunteers helped us. The majority of the population is between 6 and 13 years old. Most of them belong to Huacas, Matapalo, and Villarreal.
Therapies practiced: crisis management, conventional therapy, family therapy, EMDR, among others.
The three main reasons for asking for therapy throughout the year were: behavior disorders, anxiety disorders, and depressive symptoms. All can be related to confinement due to COVID-19.
In addition, CEPIA carried out referrals and interdisciplinary work with government entities in favor of the protection of the rights of children and teenagers, as was the case of PANI and other institutions.
CEPIA carried out 78 external therapy treatments. 52 of them are active and 26 are already closed. CEPIA also offered workshops about domestic violence, children’s rights, gender roles, art therapy, positive discipline, and domestic violence.
Air conditioning repair course
We carry out professional training in the repair and maintenance of air conditioners. We had 16 participants. We thank Professor Isaac Lezama for his great job. Our goal is to train unemployed people to become professionals and this way, get jobs. Participants did their practice at La Oveja Negra hostel in Tamarindo.
We thank the CRIA Honor Society for donating products and clothing, Griet Depypere de La Senda for offering us their space for our meetings and the children’s party, and Cristian Solano from the Gutisol company who donated CIDAI children’s party.
Thank you for your material donations:
Tim Pirim
Daniel Today
Marys Bakker
Ileana Dlacost
Abel MC Clenner
Marianela Rojas
Andrea Mena
Helen Brown
Luke Sutter
Shawn Rashid
Natalia Korea
Carrie Bratton