
After-school program

This program promotes weekly recreational activities and safe spaces where children can develop self-confidence, enhance their social and athletic skills, cultivate their interests, and be inspired to live new experiences.

Children’s Daycare Center for Integral Attention (CIDAI)

Comprehensive educational program for 110 children (ages 2-17) living in high-risk situations. Daily, the children and teenagers participate in nutritional, recreational, artistic, sportive, and social-emotional activities. Our work is based on a humanistic and holistic pedagogy, values-based education, life skills development, play and creativity, critical pedagogy, project-based learning, mindfulness and inclusion, that promote social cohesion, empowerment, and the development of life skills (and a life project in case of the teens).

Psychology and Holistic Health

Our 5 psychologists offer counseling sessions to children, teenagers and adults who are victims of abuse and violence or go through difficult life situations. The psychology team offers workshops about gender violence, bullying, drug addiction and alcoholism, sex education, positive discipline and parenting, etc., in public schools and for parents. Other health professionals provide medical and dental care as well as eye exams to children and adults without medical public insurance. Volunteers provide holistic therapies.

Care for families living in vulnerable conditions

At the beginning of the school year, over 1000 children receive a backpack with school supplies and half of them also receive a school uniform. For Christmas, over 1000 boys and girls receive a present. Families that suffer hunger and have basic material needs, receive the necessary support. These families also have access to legal assistance, the women’s empowerment program, professional training, and psychological support. Some children and teenagers receive a scholarship from donors to study in high school or university.

Professional Trainings and Employment

CEPIA offers training and courses to 600 people (older than 15), such as beauty care, English, yoga, cooking, surf instructors, bartending, pool maintenance, entrepreneurship, administrative assistant, etc. Some of these training programs are developed in collaboration with the National Apprentice Institute (INA).

Environmental education

CEPIA undertakes every three months projects of recycling, reforestation and cleaning of rivers and streets. Environmental education and actions are part of every program.

Legal orientation

A qualified attorney offers free legal advice to victims of violence and abuse. The lawyer also ensures the follow-up of victims during their legal process. She also offers legal advice on issues of migration, alimony, labor rights, among others.

Women’s empowerment

This program consists of 4 interrelated projects:
1. Women’s circles: A safe space for women to share stories, to strengthen self-esteem and to explore a variety of skills, every other week.
2. Female entrepreneurs: Women receive business-related workshops, individual guidance and material support to start or expand their small business. Get to know our female entrepreneurs:
3. Vida Mujer: this project intends to protect and promote the sexual and reproduction rights of women with limited resources through sex education and free IUD insertion and medical follow up:
Read more about Vida Mujer
4. Women’s committee: Unemployed mothers living in extreme poverty participate in training, volunteer work, and the women’s circle. They weekly receive a healthy food basket.

Sunflower group

Children with special o additional needs have access to physical therapy, speech therapy, special educational tools, art/music classes, recreational and social activities as well as field trips.

Partners & Associations in Close Collaboration


  • PANI (National Organization on Infancy): CEPIA identifies and accompanies children and their families in the process of information, counseling, and reporting abuse and violence.
  • Ministry of Public Education (MEP): CEPIA received permission to work in the schools and with the teachers. CEPIA also works with the MEP to improve teachers' training and basic and higher education.
  • Associations of Integral Development (ADI): CEPIA collaborates with the association of every village to improve health conditions and infrastructure for children and teenagers.
  • Public Force: CEPIA and the police force collaborate in situations of violence, crisis. CEPIA organizes training for officials.
  • INA: collaborations on matters of education and professional training for adults.
  • National Women’s Institute (INAMU) collaborations on women’s rights
  • Ministerio de Salud, CCSS & Clínicas EBAIS (Health Ministry) collaborations in cases of suicidal intents, violence and other difficult life situations.
  • Ministerio de Justicia y Paz collaboration with the civic center of Santa Cruz
  • Ministerio de Bienestar social y familia; IMAS (Instituto mixto de ayuda social) : IMAS funds partially the Day care center at cepias center.
  • Universidad Libre de Costa Rica: CEPIA receives the support of internship students
  • ACNUR: the United Nations Agency for Refugees works with CEPIA to assist refugees in difficult situations.

Civil Society:

  • Asoc. Banco de Alimentos: The Food Bank organization provides CEPIA with products to distribute to families in extreme
  • Escuela comunal La Paz: students implement Community Accion Service at CEPIA
  • Asociacion Salvemonos: collaborations to protect monkeys
  • The Clean Wave: environmental actions in collaboration
  • Fundacion Futuro Brillante

Private companies participating in our programs:

Beach Side Clinic, Hospital San Rafael Arcangel, ConnectOcean, Ojos del Mar, Vamos Youth, Tsunami soccer school, and more.


• Successful Girls’ Circles - Download PDF

• Successful Boy's Circles - Download PDF

• Sports: surfing, swimming, dance, yoga, jiujitsu, pickleball, basketball, skateboarding, soccer, etc. - See S4Y Program

• Music - Download PDF

• I am the answer: conscious and healthy life habits, yoga and environmental awareness - Download PDF

• Academic support and tutoring

• English

• Technology

• Financial Education

• Art classes